Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our story.


Our relationship was brief, but worth every second. Here is how it came to be.  

Katie and I originally met in the spring of 2006, through mutual friends who were dating. My fellow friends from Hot Springs and I were interested to see the new young lady our friend was seeing. We met at Jose’s on Dickson Street to begin the night. We had a few drinks there and decided to move on to our local favorite, Buster Belly’s Bar and “Café.” While we were leaving, an older lady asked if we could give her a ride to her hotel room. I did not want any part of this. My friend Shannon did. For some reason, I volunteered to be the co-captain in this escapade. I helped the lady off the curb, realizing at this point she was belligerently drunk. She stumbled toward the car with my aid and then asked if I could fix her orthopedic boot that was twisted sideways. I agreed and bent down to straighten it. While down there, I noticed that her pants were wet. My eyes followed the moisture up and lo and behold, she had peed herself. My hands were already soiled so I continued. I finally got her into the car and we were on our way.

Unfortunately, her hotel was not the Taj Mahal (for Fayetteville locals, it was the motel that surrounds Café Rue Orleans). We pulled up to her room and I began to help her out of the vehicle. She was a larger lady, wearing a medical boot, so this task was more difficult than getting her into the car. I was finally able to lift her when she slipped from my grasp. I reached desperately so she would not fall to the ground. I caught her, inappropriately. The appendage that my hand found was her left breast. The worst part was that I could not let go because she was still in harms way (at her age, I did not want to be responsible for a broken hip). We were in this awkward embrace for the longest thirty seconds of my life. The whole time I was trying to get her to her feet she was chatting about how she had “not been grabbed like that by a young man in quite sometime.” This didn’t help matters. We were finally able to get her idle feet moving towards the room. She kept talking. She was ranting about how she hoped Bob was not back yet because he was going to be pissed. This added un-needed stress to the situation. We opened the door and thankfully Bob was still at the Electric Cowboy. I placed her in a chair and walked out with her still speaking.

Shannon and I made a quick stop by the gas station and washed the urine from ourselves. I think/hope we bought some disinfectant spray for the seat as well.

Then we were heading back to Dickson Street to meet our friends at Buster’s. We got there and I met Katie for the first time. She was quiet. There were many of us there so it was difficult to carry on a conversation. We decided to leave early and go and hang out at their house (many of us). I began flirting with Katie more. It was to no avail. I briefly slept in her laundry closet that night.

She told me later that she developed her crush for me during this night. When telling this story, I always had to tell the part of the lady peeing on me. She really enjoyed this. Sadly, she was seeing someone at the time (if you are reading this, I am sorry- I did not know). She was a stand-up girl who considered your feelings this night.

Our second encounter was three weeks before she left for Chicago. I lived close to Dickson Street and was dropped off by a friend from work at the municipal parking lot. While walking home, I passed by a dance club called Speak Easy. Katie and her friends, Iris and Summer, were out on the balcony cooling off from inside. They were out celebrating Katie’s birthday. It had been two years  since our last encounter and I was pleasantly surprised she noticed me and remembered my name. She told me why they were out and asked if I would like to join. I did indeed. I ran home and got ready very quickly and scooted back. I was unsure if they would still be there but I was willing to take the chance.
It took me sometime, but I finally found them downstairs.

I have always enjoyed dancing, but my style does not harmonize well with a partner. At one point, she stopped me and told me not to move; to just stand there and let her do the dancing. It was very awkward to be the only one on the dance floor not moving, especially when I was having the urge to make my feet move fast. This only lasted a few songs because they had been out for a while and needed to get home early. I asked Katie if she would care to have lunch sometime. She agreed and put her number in my phone.

Unfortunately, it was the wrong number. I thought she did it on purpose but she swore to me later that she was experiencing the "googly eyes" and just put it in wrong (my words, not hers).

On November 4, 2009, she befriended me on Facebook. I do not know why it took so long to become acquainted on this forum. We talked and agreed to meet for drinks. She told me later that this was the first time she ever asked someone out on a date. We met one night, had a lovely conversation, and then she headed back to Tulsa. It was a nice evening. I knew at this point I wanted to get to know her better. And so I did.

I left out the names of our friends that were dating because they were fairly brief romantically. Plus, they have moved on to others, and that would be awkward. I do have to thank Jared Lowrey and Catherine Quinn for introducing us:)



  1. Don't ever forget your 'brief' relationship -- it'll last your lifetime :)

  2. Robert thank you so much for sharing... please continue! Ms. Kim

  3. Robert this is beautiful. Soo many aspects of this remind me of Katies characteristics. Your love will never die nor be forgotten. This made my whole day :)
